Sometimes ideas come out of nowhere and then just will not leave! What sparked the idea for my new series, Horse Ballet? It was the unassuming pose of the sorrel mare in what turned out to be the second painting in the series – Horse Ballet – Beginner.
I’d already painted Friesian Ballet – Syb Ygrek featuring a fun loving Friesian gelding who I’d met in South Carolina. He was so amused by the experience of being photographed that he started REALLY showing off. I got some awesome photographs of the Syb and painted him mid-jump – all four hooves in the air. I’d named it Friesan Ballet – Syb Ygrek. And then I went on working on the other paintings in my Beautiful Horses of South Carolina series.
Earlier this year, while trolling through my thousands of reference photos – gathered over the past 20 years of visit farms to photography beautiful horse (how lucky am I?), I selected about 10 candidates for future paintings. One featured a sorrel mare taking a small step to the side. Hmmm…. I really liked the pose and the pale green siding off the barn behind her, so I started painting!
It was while I was working on that painting that I hit me. This mare reminded me of a dancer. Calm, graceful, smooth. So smooth. I decided to call the painting Horse Ballet – Beginner and start a series of paintings with the horse ballet theme.
Kairo – Andalusian Black Stallion
Horse Ballet – Kairo Leaping is actually the third painting in the series. He is a gorgeous black Andalusian stallion owned by Terri Meador of Herradura Andalusians in Denton, Texas – which is on my Top 10 list of favorite places in the world.
Traveling to Texas this summer was treat! I wanted to see the Monet exhibit at the Kimble Museum of Art in Austin. And of course, I emailed Terri to see if I could stop and visit her and hopefully photograph some of her horses. Yes! She’s so kind!
She and Valente, who is the horse guru at the ranch, let me choose any of her awesome stallions. Of course I went with Kairo, who Terri describes as the “most beautiful horse in the world.” He is amazing! I got so many wonderful photos that it makes me a little dizzy to think about all the future paintings I could do featuring this stallion.

Horse Ballet – Beginner
This blog seems to be going in reverse order, because pictured above is the second painting of the series, Horse Ballet – Beginner. Does she remind you of a dancer? I do love the green background – and the free form shadow she casts.
I am drawn to painting horses in dynamic action poses, but this painting helps me remember some dances are slow dances. And I am planning some serene paintings for the Horse Ballet series.

Friesian Ballet – Syb Ygrek
Yes. This is the first painting of the series – from way before the series began.
Syb Ygrek is a Friesian gelding, much loved for his personality. He is a companion horse. A friend to his owner and her mother who is not in the best of health. Both adore this horse.
He did have such a fun time while I was photographing him! Such playfulness! He is the class showoff! Full of energy. Such a delight. It was almost like he was saying, “Hey, watch this!” as he romped around his pasture. He was indeed a joy to be around!
More coming?
The series will continue! I am currently working on two new paintings for the Horse Ballet series – and have more reference photos set aside as possible paintings to paint! Check this link to see my current new horse oil paintings.
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