Horse Ballet – Wouton

Wouton, 28x34", oil on masonite, Karen Brenner
Wouton, oil on masonite, 28×34″, Karen Brenner

Horse Ballet – Wouton

Friesian gelding Wouter is majestic and beautiful! His painting is the newest in my Horse Ballet series. Wouter, a popular Dutch name similiar to Walter in English, means “ruler of the army” or “army of the forest.”

According to the urban dictionary, Wouter means “the most intelligent, creative person you’ll come across.”

Wouton is a perfect name for this regal steed!

I first met Wouton while working on the beginning stages of my Beautiful Horses of Wisconsin series. Traveling through the state I visited dozens of horses, photographing each for a future painting. What an awesome horse! I loved photographing him. Every shot was worthy of a painting. So, while working on my Horse Ballet series, of course I had to include him.Check out the Beautiful Horses of Wisconsin to see the original painting from a few years ago.

This painting is one of two that feature Wouton in the Horse Ballet series…at least so far. His second ballet painting is almost done. Watch for it coming soon.


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