Horse Ballet – Saltador Sunrise

Horse Ballet - Saltador Sunrise, Horse Painting by Karen Brenner, oil on masonite
Horse Ballet – Saltador Sunrise, 24×20″, oil on masonite, Karen Brenner

On a beautiful misty morning a gorgeous, white Andalusian stallion galloped through the haze in his lush Texas pasture in my newest horse painting.

It was a wonderful sight to see! And to remember always…

Visiting Rancho de Lago near Austin was an adventure I will always cherish. The family has dozens of Andalusians – of all ages and colors! Even a sorrel Andalusian – which is extremely rare. Thank you Walter & Judy Henslee for allowing me to stop by and photograph Saltador and all your horses!
Now, here are some details about “Salty”….Saltador has amassed an amazing 170+ Championship, Reserve Championship, High Point & Movement Awards from 2004 – 2016. He is 13 times National Champion in 4 Divisions, and he has been awarded Best Movement of Show 20 times. Additionally, Saltador has over 2 dozen first place wins in open dressage shows and multiple USDF Sport Horse Grand Championships and USDF All Breeds Awards.

Horse Ballet - Rancho del Lago - Espinilla PLC and Filly, 12x38", oil painting by Karen Brenner
Horse Ballet – Rancho del Lago – c, 12×38″, oil on masonite, Karen Brenner

While at the ranch, Walter brought out a beautiful Andalusian mare imported from Spain. Her name was Espinilla. What a perfect example of the PRE breed! Photographing her with her gorgeous filly was a joy – for me…. Espinilla had her eye on the barn manager who had delivered her morning grain, and she was not in the mood to have her picture taken! You can see her fiesty, ticked off spirit in the painting above.

These two Rancho del Lago paintings are part of my Horse Ballet series. It’s always a privilege to get to paint one of my favorite breeds – Anadusians!

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